What a year we have had – we have all found it hard haven’t we? We have been faced with a virus, with death, with social distancing, the need for a vaccine! In many ways that is the story of Easter. Jesus came to deal with the virus of sin which, according to the bible, is the ultimate reason for death. Our sin has socially distanced us from God. The God who made us to know Him, love Him and live in His creation in relationship with Him. Jesus came as the ultimate vaccine provider – through His death on the cross he has paid the penalty for sin and through His resurrection has conquered death. He provides hope not just in the face of a virus, but death itself. The message of Easter offers us a new beginning like no other. Want to know more? Come along or watch on over this Easter time.
If you would like to attend a service over Easter (or any time) you would be very welcome (Covid guidance is followed) but you will need to book in advance if at all possible. You can do this via our email – gebaptistchurch@gmail.com Alternatively you can watch online via our YouTube channel.